The following course feesare subject to change.
- Eligible students must pay the additionalStudent Society Fees and Leviesaccording to published fee deadlines.
- It is the student's responsibility to familiarize themself with the current withdrawal and refund policies and procedures.
- ϳԹ reserves the right to change or cancel any provision or requirement at any time. The college does not accept responsibility for the cancellation or discontinuation of any program, course or class of instruction that may be necessary as a result of an act of God, fire, labour problems, lack of funds or other similar causes.
- Find more information on tuition and fees including application fees, registration deposit, payment, registration deposit transfers, fee refunds, miscellaneousfeesand charges, dishonoured payments (NSF), student file restrictions and tax forms.
- International students refer to international tuition and fees.
Estimated tuition fees per course
Course Code | Name | Effective September 2024-25 |
ABT-101 | Co-operative Work Experience 1 | $690.84 |
ABT-102 | Internship Work Experience 1 | $690.84 |
ABT-120 | Business Admin Procedures | $512.40 |
ABT-162 | Business Document Creation | $512.40 |
ABT-270 | Maintaining Online Presence | $424.80 |
ABT-294 | Website Design & Maintenance | $333.75 |
ACCT-110 | Financial Accounting 1 | $379.20 |
ACCT-111 | Financial Accounting 2 | $379.20 |
ACCT-130 | Hospitality Accounting | $379.20 |
ACCT-161 | Financial Management | $512.40 |
ACCT-207 | Managerial Accounting | $379.20 |
ACCT-210 | Financial Accounting 3 | $379.20 |
ACCT-211 | Financial Accounting 4 | $379.20 |
ACCT-220 | Management Cost Accounting 1 | $379.20 |
ACCT-240 | Taxation 1 | $379.20 |
ACCT-250 | Professional Acct. Software | $379.20 |
ACCT-310 | Financial Accounting 5 | $512.40 |
ACCT-320 | Management Cost Accounting 2 | $512.40 |
ACCT-330 | Government & NPO Accounting | $512.40 |
ACCT-340 | Fraud Awareness | $512.40 |
ACCT-375 | Taxation 2 | $512.40 |
ACCT-380 | Auditing 1 | $512.40 |
ACCT-385 | Internal Auditing | $691.80 |
ACCT-390 | Advanced Auditing | $512.40 |
ACCT-400 | Accounting Theory | $512.40 |
ACCT-420 | Management Cost Accounting 3 | $512.40 |
ACCT-475 | Advanced Taxation | $691.80 |
ACCT-480 | Applied Professional Practice | $512.40 |
ADED-501 | Adventures in Group Work | $2,054.00 |
ADED-502 | Outdoor Leadership: Land-Based | $2,054.00 |
ADED-503 | Foundations in Adventure Ed | $2,054.00 |
ADED-504 | Integral Approaches in Adv Ed | $744.30 |
ADED-505 | Adventure Program Design | $744.30 |
ADED-506 | Human Development and Nature | $744.30 |
ADED-507 | The Reflective Practitioner | $744.30 |
ADED-508 | Facilitating Transform Exp. | $2,054.00 |
ADED-509 | Outdoor Leadership Water-Based | $2,054.00 |
ADED-510 | The Wilderness Experience | $2,054.00 |
AET-201 | Placement 1 | $690.84 |
AET-202 | Placement 2 | $690.84 |
AET-260 | Emergency Conditions 1 | $864.75 |
AET-261 | Emergency Conditions 2 | $864.75 |
AET-272 | Field Prevention Injury/Care 1 | $691.80 |
AET-273 | Field Prevention/Injury Care 2 | $691.80 |
AET-301 | Placement 3 | $690.84 |
AET-302 | Placement 4 | $690.84 |
AET-310 | Pathophysiology | $518.85 |
AET-320 | Human Motor Control | $691.80 |
AET-330 | Therapeutic Modalities | $691.80 |
AET-340 | Anatomy of the Lower Extremity | $1,037.70 |
AET-341 | Anatomy of the Upper Extremity | $1,037.70 |
AET-381 | Clinical 1 Assessment | $864.75 |
AET-401 | Placement 5 | $690.84 |
AET-402 | Placement 6 | $690.84 |
AET-411 | Independent Research Project | $691.80 |
AET-420 | Business Mgt. for Therapists | $518.85 |
AET-430 | Concepts of Manual Therapy | $691.80 |
AET-440 | Anatomy of the Spine | $691.80 |
AET-450 | Ergonomics | $691.80 |
AET-470 | Pharmacology and Exercise | $384.30 |
AET-481 | Clinical 3 Spine | $1,037.70 |
AET-482 | Clinical 2 Rehabilitation | $864.75 |
AHLT-104 | Professional Communication | $496.20 |
AHLT-112 | Patient Management | $992.40 |
AHLT-134 | Legal & Professional Ethics | $496.20 |
AHLT-266 | Intro to Sectional Anatomy | $552.60 |
AHLT-268 | Professional Preparation | $744.30 |
AHLT-288 | Capstone Project | $744.30 |
AMEC-110 | AST Foundation | $3,337.50 |
AMEC-410 | Auto mechanic Level 1 | $778.75 |
AMEC-420 | Auto mechanic Level 2 | $778.75 |
AMEC-430 | Auto mechanic Level 3 | $778.75 |
AMEC-440 | Auto mechanic Level 4 | $778.75 |
ANTH-104 | Introduction to Anthropology | $318.60 |
ANTH-110 | Gender Across Cultures | $318.60 |
ANTH-204 | The Anthropology of Food | $384.30 |
ANTH-220 | Cultural & Social Anthropology | $318.60 |
ANTH-232 | Language/Culture/Communication | $318.60 |
ANTH-240 | Archaeological Method/Theory | $424.80 |
ANTH-250 | Forensic Anthropology | $424.80 |
ANTH-260 | Human Evolution and Diversity | $424.80 |
ANTH-280 | Anthropology of Death | $472.05 |
ANTH-290 | Special Topics In Anthropology | $446.40 |
APSC-110 | ENGTR Seminar 1 | $148.80 |
APSC-112 | ENGTR Seminar 2 | $148.80 |
ARCH-190 | Archaeological Field Assistant | $683.20 |
ART-101 | Cooperative Work Experience 1 | $690.84 |
ART-102 | Introduction to 2D Artmaking | $512.40 |
ART-103 | Introduction to 3D Artmaking | $512.40 |
ART-106 | Indigenous Perspectives in Art | $289.80 |
ART-121 | Modes of Drawing | $362.25 |
ART-124 | Traditional Printmaking | $362.25 |
ART-127 | Introduction to Painting | $362.25 |
ART-128 | Graphic Design Foundations | $362.25 |
ART-135 | Digital Drawing and Design | $864.75 |
ART-140 | Visual Foundations 3D Design | $362.25 |
ART-142 | Sculpture | $362.25 |
ART-144 | Ceramics 1 | $362.25 |
ART-150 | Cultural Uses of Photography | $217.35 |
ART-152 | Visual Culture | $384.30 |
ART-155 | Digital Narrative & Structure | $864.75 |
ART-161 | Lens-Based: Images & Concepts | $640.50 |
ART-176 | Visual History of Fashion | $384.30 |
ART-180 | Modern Art History | $217.35 |
ART-182 | Professional Arts Management | $640.50 |
ART-222 | 2D Studio Practice | $362.25 |
ART-234 | Mixed Media Printmaking | $362.25 |
ART-240 | Ceramics 2 | $362.25 |
ART-242 | 3D & 4D Studio Practice | $362.25 |
ART-260 | Performance Art | $362.25 |
ART-265 | Creative Photography | $362.25 |
ART-268 | Contemporary Video & Film Art | $362.25 |
ART-269 | Art of Animation | $362.25 |
ART-282 | Art Seminar and Theory | $362.25 |
ART-290A | Independent Studies | $72.45 |
ART-292C | Independent Studies | $217.35 |
ASDG-101 | Co-operative Work Experience1 | $690.84 |
ASDG-102 | Internship Work Experience 1 | $690.84 |
ASDG-201 | Co-operative Work Experience2 | $690.84 |
ASDG-202 | Internship Work Experience 2 | $690.84 |
ASDP-101 | Co-operative Work Experience1 | $690.84 |
ASDP-102 | Internship Work Experience 1 | $690.84 |
ASDP-201 | Co-operative Work Experience2 | $690.84 |
ASDP-202 | Internship Work Experience 2 | $690.84 |
ASIA-111 | Contemporary Asia-Pacific | $318.60 |
ASTR-101 | Astronomy: Night Sky & Planets | $468.00 |
ASTR-102 | Astronomy: Stars and Galaxies | $468.00 |
Course Code | Name | Effective September 2024-25 |
BIOL-090 | College Prep Biology | $0.00 |
BIOL-102 | Non-Majors Biology(Diversity) | $468.00 |
BIOL-103 | Non-Majors General Biology | $568.80 |
BIOL-104 | Infectious Disease | $312.00 |
BIOL-105 | Introduction to Marine Biology | $568.80 |
BIOL-116 | Adv Placement Biology Lab | $234.00 |
BIOL-124 | Evolution and Diversity | $468.00 |
BIOL-126 | Physiological Basis of Life | $468.00 |
BIOL-150 | Human Anatomy | $468.00 |
BIOL-151 | Human Physiology | $468.00 |
BIOL-152 | Anatomy/Physiology 1: Nursing | $468.00 |
BIOL-153 | Anatomy/Physiology 2: Nursing | $468.00 |
BIOL-161 | Dental Hygiene Microbiology | $744.30 |
BIOL-202 | Microbiology 1 | $468.00 |
BIOL-203 | Microbiology 2 | $468.00 |
BIOL-228 | Ecology | $468.00 |
BIOL-231 | Principles of Cell Biology | $637.20 |
BIOL-232 | Principles of Genetics | $468.00 |
BIOL-240 | Wildlife and Habitat | $944.10 |
BIOL-241 | Applied Botany | $944.10 |
BIOL-252 | Pathophysiology for Nursing 1 | $234.00 |
BIOL-253 | Pathophysiology for Nursing 2 | $234.00 |
BIOL-260 | General Pathophysiology | $234.00 |
BUS-101 | Co-operative Work Experience 1 | $690.84 |
BUS-102 | Internship Work Experience 1 | $690.84 |
BUS-110 | Introduction to Business | $284.40 |
BUS-130 | Business Communications | $379.20 |
BUS-140 | Business Info Technology | $379.20 |
BUS-145 | Business Data Analysis | $512.40 |
BUS-150 | Introduction to Management | $379.20 |
BUS-201 | Co-operative Work Experience 2 | $690.84 |
BUS-202 | Internship Work Experience 2 | $690.84 |
BUS-210 | HR Management Foundations | $284.40 |
BUS-214 | Leadership Skills | $284.40 |
BUS-220 | Organizational Behavior | $379.20 |
BUS-230 | Elementary Statistics | $379.20 |
BUS-231 | Quantitative Methods | $284.40 |
BUS-232 | Operations Management | $284.40 |
BUS-241 | Management Info Systems | $379.20 |
BUS-261 | Business and Sustainability | $379.20 |
BUS-276 | Business Law | $379.20 |
BUS-280 | Entrepreneurship | $284.40 |
BUS-281 | Negotiations & Contracts | $379.20 |
BUS-285 | Workplace Professionalism | $512.40 |
BUS-290 | Applied Business Strategy | $379.20 |
BUS-301 | Co-operative Work Experience 3 | $690.84 |
BUS-310 | Strategic Compensation | $384.30 |
BUS-311 | Employment Law | $512.40 |
BUS-312 | Human Resource Development | $384.30 |
BUS-313 | Employee and Labour Relations | $384.30 |
BUS-314 | Cross Cultural Leadership | $691.80 |
BUS-315 | Org. Health, Safety & Wellness | $384.30 |
BUS-318 | Recruitment, Select&Retention | $384.30 |
BUS-322 | Leading Organizational Change | $384.30 |
BUS-325 | Human Resources Mgmt System | $384.30 |
BUS-330 | Advanced Communications | $512.40 |
BUS-340 | Project Management | $691.80 |
BUS-345 | Social Enterprise in Canada | $691.80 |
BUS-360 | Global Business Strategies | $384.30 |
BUS-401 | Co-operative Work Experience4 | $690.84 |
BUS-421 | Strategic HR Management | $384.30 |
BUS-440 | Current Trends/HR Management | $595.20 |
BUS-441 | Social Enterprise 1 | $691.80 |
BUS-442 | Social Enterprise 2 | $634.13 |
BUS-445 | Social Impact in a Global Context | $691.80 |
BUS-450 | International Management | $384.30 |
BUS-480 | Advanced Business Strategy | $512.40 |
BUS-485 | Applied Leadership Perspective | $595.20 |
Course Code | Name | Effective September 2024-25 |
CARP-110 | Carpentry - Framing Cluster | $1,390.63 |
CARP-120 | Carpentry - Formwork Cluster | $1,390.63 |
CARP-410 | Carpentry/Build Cons Level 1 | $778.75 |
CARP-420 | Carpentry/Build Cons Level 2 | $778.75 |
CARP-430 | Carpentry/Build Cons Level 3 | $778.75 |
CARP-440 | Carpentry/Build Cons Level 4 | $778.75 |
CCW-401 | Construction Craft Worker 1 | $559.00 |
CCW-402 | Construction Craft Worker 2 | $559.00 |
CDEV-WPS | Workplace Preparation Skills | $128.52 |
CFCS-110 | Foundations for Practice | $184.50 |
CFCS-114 | Professional Practice 1 | $318.60 |
CFCS-120 | Lifespan Development 1 | $184.50 |
CFCS-121 | Lifespan Development 2 | $184.50 |
CFCS-140 | Intro Community Resources/Supp | $184.50 |
CFCS-141 | Service Learning | $184.50 |
CFCS-160 | Family and Community | $184.50 |
CFCS-210 | Diversity Across the Lifespan | $184.50 |
CFCS-214 | Professional Practice 2 | $318.60 |
CFCS-230 | Support Strategies 1 | $318.60 |
CFCS-230B | Support Strategies Bridge | $113.28 |
CFCS-231 | Support Strategies 2 | TBD |
CFCS-240 | Practicum 1 | $738.00 |
CFCS-241 | Practicum 2 | $1,045.50 |
CFCS-250 | Social Justice Today | $318.60 |
CHEM-070 | College Prep Chemistry | $0.00 |
CHEM-090 | College Prep Chemistry 2 | $0.00 |
CHEM-100 | Introductory Chemistry | $568.80 |
CHEM-105 | ACB Seminar 1 | $39.00 |
CHEM-106 | ACB Seminar 2 | $39.00 |
CHEM-110 | General College Chemistry 1 | $468.00 |
CHEM-112 | General College Chemistry 2 | $468.00 |
CHEM-117 | Introduction to Nutrition | $312.00 |
CHEM-120 | College Chemistry 1 | $468.00 |
CHEM-121 | College Chemistry 2 | $468.00 |
CHEM-150 | Engineering Chemistry | $507.00 |
CHEM-175 | Chem Essentials for Civil/Mech | $284.40 |
CHEM-180 | Applied Science for Civil | $474.00 |
CHEM-207 | ACB Seminar 3 | $39.00 |
CHEM-208 | ACB Seminar 4 | $39.00 |
CHEM-213 | Molecular Spectroscopy | $468.00 |
CHEM-214 | Nutrition for Fitness | $312.00 |
CHEM-220 | Inorganic Chemistry | $468.00 |
CHEM-221 | Physical Chemistry | $468.00 |
CHEM-224 | Analytical Chemistry | $468.00 |
CHEM-230 | Organic Chemistry 1 | $468.00 |
CHEM-231 | Organic Chemistry 2 | $468.00 |
CHEM-250 | Molecular Biotechnology | $468.00 |
CHEM-251 | Immunology | $468.00 |
CHEM-253 | Environmental Chemistry | $468.00 |
CHEM-255 | Biochemistry | $468.00 |
CHEM-259 | QA in Environmental Chemistry | $468.00 |
CHEM-290 | Laboratory Internship | $690.84 |
CHEM-291 | Co-Operative Work Experience 1 | $690.84 |
CIVE-104 | Work Term 1 | $690.84 |
CIVE-131 | Graphical Communications 1 | $551.34 |
CIVE-132 | Graphical Communications 2 | $367.56 |
CIVE-141 | Surveying 1 | $551.34 |
CIVE-142 | Surveying 2 | $367.56 |
CIVE-152 | Transportation Engineering | $551.34 |
CIVE-181 | Civil Sustainability Project | $551.34 |
CIVE-191 | Statics | $735.12 |
CIVE-192 | Mechanics of Materials | $735.12 |
CIVE-204 | Work Term 2 | $690.84 |
CIVE-210 | Sustainability in Civil Engineering | $735.12 |
CIVE-242 | Dynamics for Engineers | $551.34 |
CIVE-251 | Asset Management | $551.34 |
CIVE-255 | Municipal Design | $735.12 |
CIVE-261 | Soils and Materials 1 | $735.12 |
CIVE-262 | Soils and Materials 2 | $735.12 |
CIVE-271 | Fluid Mechanics | $735.12 |
CIVE-276 | Hydrology | $551.34 |
CIVE-278 | Water and Waste Management | $735.12 |
CIVE-282 | Managing Construction Projects | $551.34 |
CIVE-289 | Civil Capstone Project | $735.12 |
CIVE-291 | Structural Design 1 | $735.12 |
CIVE-292 | Structural Design 2 | $551.34 |
CIVE-304 | Work Term 3 | $690.84 |
CMNS-100 | Introduction to Communication | $446.40 |
CMNS-102 | Internship Work Experience 1 | $690.84 |
CMNS-105 | Communication and Technology | $512.40 |
CMNS-112 | Popular Culture and Media | $446.40 |
CMNS-120 | Culture of Visual Storytelling | $446.40 |
CMNS-130 | Mass Media Communication | $446.40 |
CMNS-140 | Wordcraft for Visual Stories | $446.40 |
CMNS-150 | Introduction to Digital Media | $446.40 |
CMNS-160 | Digital Journalism | $446.40 |
CMNS-165 | Persuasive Writing for the Web | $446.40 |
CMNS-170 | Digital Content Applications | $595.20 |
COMP-030 | Fundamental Computer Studies | $0.00 |
COMP-040 | Intermediate Computer Studies | $0.00 |
COMP-104 | Work Term 1 | $690.84 |
COMP-130 | Computing for Engineers | $390.00 |
COMP-132 | Programming Using Java | $374.40 |
COMP-139 | Applied Computer Programming | $390.00 |
COMP-139E | Data Structures & Applications | $390.00 |
COMP-140 | Human Computer Interaction | $312.00 |
COMP-144 | Web Development | $1,121.25 |
COMP-146 | Simulation Development | $1,121.25 |
COMP-152 | Comp/Programming Literacy | $692.34 |
COMP-156 | Computer Concepts | $390.00 |
COMP-166 | Programming 1 for Engineers | $468.00 |
COMP-204 | Work Term 2 | $690.84 |
COMP-212 | Intro to Computer Science | $312.00 |
COMP-245 | Artificial Intelligence | $1,121.25 |
COMP-246 | Advanced Simulation | $1,121.25 |
COMP-253 | Extended Reality (XR) Project | $672.75 |
COMP-256 | Augmented Reality | $1,121.25 |
COMP-271 | Applied UX/UI | $1,121.25 |
COMP-276 | Data Security | $1,121.25 |
COMP-283 | Databases for Multimedia | $1,121.25 |
COMP-304 | Work Term 3 | $690.84 |
CORE-100 | Trades Skills - Construction | $1,449.00 |
CORE-110 | Trades Skills - Marine | $1,449.00 |
CRIM-102 | Internship Work Experience | $690.84 |
CRIM-120 | CJ Seminar 1 | $148.80 |
CRIM-121 | CJ Seminar 2 | $148.80 |
CRIM-150 | Administration of Justice | $318.60 |
CRIM-154 | The Criminal Justice System | $318.60 |
CRIM-166 | Introduction to Criminology | $318.60 |
CRIM-170 | Law and Legal Institutions | $318.60 |
CRIM-188 | Issues in Criminal Justice | $318.60 |
CRIM-200 | Professional Practice | $318.60 |
CRIM-204 | CJ Interpersonal Skills | $318.60 |
CRIM-205 | Case Management | $318.60 |
CRIM-211 | CJ Behaviour Management | $318.60 |
CRIM-215 | Alt Justice & Conflict Resolution | $318.60 |
CRIM-220 | CJ Seminar 3 | $148.80 |
CRIM-221 | CJ Seminar 4 | $148.80 |
CRIM-236 | Indigenous People and Justice | $318.60 |
CRIM-252 | Correctional Services | $318.60 |
CRIM-254 | Young Offenders and Justice | $318.60 |
CRIM-270 | Criminal Law | $318.60 |
CRIM-274 | Law Enforcement | $318.60 |
CRIM-286 | Women & Criminal Justice | $318.60 |
CRWR-150 | Introduction to Speculative Fiction | $629.40 |
CRWR-152 | Introduction to Creative Nonfiction | $424.80 |
CRWR-154 | Introduction to Fiction | $424.80 |
CRWR-155 | Introduction to Personal Narrative | $595.20 |
CRWR-156 | Introduction to Poetry | $424.80 |
CRWR-157 | Fiction for Children and Youth | $512.40 |
CRWR-158 | Introduction to Scriptwriting | $424.80 |
CRWR-159 | Editing and Publishing | NA |
CRWR-160 | Editing | $629.40 |
CRWR-162 | Publishing | $629.40 |
CRWR-254 | Advanced Fiction | $424.80 |
CSEA-110 | Community Living Foundations | $184.50 |
CSEA-111 | Practicum 1 | $861.00 |
CSEA-112 | Practicum 2 | $746.20 |
CSEA-115 | Current Practice Issues | $119.56 |
CSEA-160 | Citizenship & Quality of Life | $184.50 |
CSEA-175 | Ethical/Professional Practice | $184.50 |
CSNT-104 | Work Term 1 | $690.84 |
CSNT-110 | Cybersecurity Essentials | $796.80 |
CSNT-111 | Workstation Security Fundamentals | $996.00 |
CSNT-120 | Networking 1 | $1,195.20 |
CSNT-121 | Networking 2 | $996.00 |
CSNT-130 | IT Essentials | $1,394.40 |
CSNT-131 | Linux Basics | $597.60 |
CSNT-132 | Server Fundamentals | $996.00 |
CSNT-160 | Internet of Things: Connecting & Securing Devices | $1,195.20 |
CSNT-161 | Programming Essentials in Python | $996.00 |
CSNT-204 | Work Term 2 | $690.84 |
CSNT-210 | Cybersecurity Analysis | $1,195.20 |
CSNT-211 | Cybersecurity Operations | $1,195.20 |
CSNT-212 | IT Security Penetration Testing | $1,195.20 |
CSNT-220 | Networking 3 | $1,195.20 |
CSNT-230 | Linux Systems | $996.00 |
CSNT-240 | Cloud Essentials | $597.60 |
CSNT-241 | Cloud Administration | $796.80 |
CSNT-250 | DevOps | $996.00 |
CSNT-251 | Information Technology Services | $796.80 |
CSNT-252 | Security Research Project | $597.60 |
Course Code | Name | Effective September 2024-25 |
DEM-401 | Diesel Engine Mechanic Level 1 | $1,397.50 |
DEM-402 | Diesel Engine Mechanic Level 2 | $1,118.00 |
DENA-110 | Professionalism 1 | $142.20 |
DENA-111 | Professionalism 2 | $170.64 |
DENA-120 | Applied Dental Sciences 1 | $284.40 |
DENA-121 | Applied Dental Sciences 2 | $284.40 |
DENA-130 | Clinical Support Theory 1 | $284.40 |
DENA-131 | Clinical Support Theory 2 | $227.52 |
DENA-140 | Preventative Approaches 1 | $189.60 |
DENA-141 | Preventative Approaches 2 | $284.40 |
DENA-142 | Public Dental Clinic | $614.88 |
DENA-150 | Dental Assisting Practice 1 | $1,964.70 |
DENA-151 | Dental Assisting Practice 2 | $2,843.82 |
DENA-161 | Dental Office Management | $113.76 |
DENA-171 | Practicum 1 | $249.60 |
DENA-172 | Practicum 2 | $624.00 |
DENA-173 | Practicum 3 | $832.00 |
DHYG-219 | Head & Neck Anatomy | $335.40 |
DHYG-220 | Dental Anatomy | $167.70 |
DHYG-221 | Oral Sciences 1 | $337.28 |
DHYG-222 | Introduction to Periodontology | $337.28 |
DHYG-225 | Hlth Promo and Disease Prevent | $744.30 |
DHYG-231 | Radiology | $421.60 |
DHYG-245 | Professional Practice 1 | $446.40 |
DHYG-246 | Professional Practice 2 | $674.56 |
DHYG-270 | Clinical Theory 1 | $595.20 |
DHYG-271 | Clinical Practice 1 | $1,785.60 |
DHYG-280 | Clinical Theory 2 | $843.20 |
DHYG-281 | Clinical Practice 2 | $2,023.68 |
DHYG-310 | Pharmacology | $595.20 |
DHYG-321 | Oral Sciences 2 | $297.60 |
DHYG-322 | Oral Sciences 3 | $505.92 |
DHYG-328 | Nutrition | $337.28 |
DHYG-345 | Professional Practice 3 | $505.92 |
DHYG-370 | Clinical Theory 3 | $595.20 |
DHYG-371 | Clinical Practice 3 | $2,529.60 |
DHYG-380 | Clinical Theory 4 | $843.20 |
DHYG-381 | Clinical Practice 4 | $2,023.68 |
DHYG-390 | Community Oral Health 1 | $297.60 |
DHYG-391 | Community Oral Health 2 | $421.60 |
DIME-115 | Digital Production 1 | $1,522.20 |
DIME-116 | Digital Production 2 | $1,522.20 |
DIME-125 | Graphic Communication 1 | $1,522.20 |
DIME-126 | Graphic Communication 2 | $1,522.20 |
DIME-145 | Applied Digital Photography | $1,522.20 |
Course Code | Name | Effective September 2024-25 |
ECET-104 | Work Term 1 | $690.84 |
ECET-120 | Renewable Energy Systems | $551.34 |
ECET-125 | Introduction to Electronics | $551.34 |
ECET-130 | Engineering Applications in C | $551.34 |
ECET-140 | Circuit Fundamentals | $918.90 |
ECET-141 | Analog Devices | $551.34 |
ECET-149 | Electricity and Machines | $551.34 |
ECET-161 | Digital Electronics 1 | $551.34 |
ECET-162 | Digital Electronics 2 | $551.34 |
ECET-165 | Embedded Microcontrollers | $735.12 |
ECET-190 | Electronics Project | $551.34 |
ECET-204 | Work Term 2 | $690.84 |
ECET-208 | Work Term - 8 month | $896.51 |
ECET-214 | Properties of Materials | $367.56 |
ECET-216 | Signal & Systems Analysis | $183.78 |
ECET-220 | Industrial Electronics for RE | $551.34 |
ECET-221 | Control Systems for RE | $551.34 |
ECET-222 | Marine Engineering Technology | $551.34 |
ECET-230 | OOP for Hardware Interfacing | $551.34 |
ECET-231 | CAD for Electronics | $367.56 |
ECET-232 | Electrical Engineering Cad | $367.56 |
ECET-233 | Industrial Data Networks | $551.34 |
ECET-234 | PLC Control 1 | $551.34 |
ECET-235 | PLC Control 2 | $551.34 |
ECET-236 | Discrete Structures in Eng. | $551.34 |
ECET-242 | Analog Electronics | $551.34 |
ECET-243 | Distribution Systems | $551.34 |
ECET-244 | Electric Machines | $735.12 |
ECET-245 | Electrical Drive Systems | $551.34 |
ECET-246 | Control Systems | $551.34 |
ECET-247 | Electrical Power Systems | $551.34 |
ECET-248 | Electronics for Mechanical | $551.34 |
ECET-250 | Analog Communications | $735.12 |
ECET-250E | Linear Circuits 1 | $735.12 |
ECET-251 | Digital Communications | $551.34 |
ECET-252 | Marine Communications | $551.34 |
ECET-260 | ARM Microcontrollers & IoT | $735.12 |
ECET-261 | Embedded Networking & OS | $551.34 |
ECET-280 | Data Acquisition & PLCs | $551.34 |
ECET-281 | System Dynamics | $551.34 |
ECET-282 | Digital Signal Processing | $551.34 |
ECET-290 | Applied Research Project | $1,102.68 |
ECET-291 | Engineering Project Management | $367.56 |
ECET-292 | Design for Manufacturing | $735.12 |
ECET-293 | Industrial Systems Design | $735.12 |
ECET-304 | Work Term 3 | $690.84 |
ECON-103 | Principles of Microeconomics | $379.20 |
ECON-104 | Principles of Macroeconomics | $379.20 |
ECON-203 | Intermediate Microeconomics | $379.20 |
ECON-204 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | $379.20 |
ECON-205 | Managerial Economics | $284.40 |
ECON-210 | Money and Banking | $284.40 |
ECON-212 | International Trade & Finance | $284.40 |
ECON-315 | The Economics of Sport | $512.40 |
ECON-345 | Economics of Sustainability Management | $691.80 |
EDCP-091 | Education and Career Exploration | $0.00 |
EDCP-092 | Essential Education and Career Skills | $0.00 |
EDCP-093 | Innovative Job Search Skills and Strategies | $0.00 |
EDCP-094 | Personal Leadership Skills | $0.00 |
EDUC-112 | Child and Youth Mental Health | $672.75 |
EDUC-114 | Children and Youth on the Spectrum | $672.75 |
EDUC-116 | Health and Disability | $942.78 |
EDUC-140 | Development and Diversity | $184.50 |
EDUC-150 | Teaching and Learning Supports | $246.00 |
ELC-110 | Child Growth and Development 1 | $184.50 |
ELC-113 | Guiding Relationships 1 | $184.50 |
ELC-120 | Intro to Learning Environment | $246.00 |
ELC-130 | Early Childhood Profession | $184.50 |
ELC-143 | Practicum 1 | $913.73 |
ELC-150 | Health and Wellness for ELC | $184.50 |
ELC-160 | Community Observations | $446.04 |
ELC-170 | Working With Fam and Community | $384.30 |
ELC-212 | Guiding Relationships 2 | $184.50 |
ELC-214 | Leading to Build Capacity | $318.60 |
ELC-216 | Child Growth & Development 2 | $318.60 |
ELC-220 | Inclusive Child Care | $184.50 |
ELC-221 | Designing Dynamic Environments | $424.80 |
ELC-230 | Infant and Toddler Care | $184.50 |
ELC-231 | Early Childhood Profession 2 | $384.30 |
ELC-240 | Practicum 2 | $792.91 |
ELC-241 | Infant/Toddler Practice | $992.79 |
ELC-242 | Inclusive Practice | $992.79 |
ELD-010 | English Basics 1 | $0.00 |
ELD-020 | English Basics 2 | $0.00 |
ELD-032 | English Basics 3 Read/Write | $0.00 |
ELD-034 | English Basics 3 Listen/Speak | $0.00 |
ELD-037 | Basic Pronunciation 1 | $0.00 |
ELD-042 | Engl Essentials 1 Read/Write | $0.00 |
ELD-044 | Engl Essentials 1 Listen/Speak | $0.00 |
ELD-052 | Engl Essentials 2 Read/Write | $0.00 |
ELD-054 | Engl Essentials 2 Listen/Speak | $0.00 |
ELD-056 | ELD for Health Care Assistant | $0.00 |
ELD-057 | Basic Pronunciation 2 | $0.00 |
ELD-062 | Intermediate Engl Read/Write | $0.00 |
ELD-064 | Intermediate Engl Listen/Speak | $0.00 |
ELD-072 | Advanced English | $0.00 |
ELD-073 | Cultural & Academic Pathway 1 | $0.00 |
ELD-074 | Academic Communication Skills | $0.00 |
ELD-075 | Grammar for Composition | $0.00 |
ELD-077 | English Pronunciation | $0.00 |
ELD-092 | Provincial English Composition | $0.00 |
ELD-093 | Cultural & Academic Pathway 2 | $0.00 |
ELD-094 | Provincial English Literature | $0.00 |
ELD-097 | Tech & Professional English | $0.00 |
ELD-IELTS | IELTS Preparation | $488.25 |
ELD-PN1 | ELD for PN - Level 1 | $0.00 |
ELD-PN2 | ELD for PN - Level 2 | $0.00 |
ELD-QKSTRT | ELD Quick Start | $0.00 |
ELEC-110 | Electrical Core Cluster | $890.00 |
ELEC-120 | Electrical Occupational Core | $890.00 |
ELEC-130 | Electrical Specialty | $890.00 |
ELEC-410 | Electrical Level 1 | $1,112.50 |
ELEC-420 | Electrical Level 2 | $1,112.50 |
ELEC-430 | Electrical Level 3 | $1,112.50 |
ELEC-440 | Electrical Level 4 | $1,112.50 |
ELEX-104 | Work Term 1 | $690.84 |
ELEX-133A | Network Fundamentals | $896.70 |
ELEX-133B | LAN Switching and Routing | $896.70 |
ELEX-133C | LAN Switching/Wireless/WANS | $1,024.80 |
ELEX-136 | Infrastructure Cabling | $384.30 |
ELEX-137 | Workstation Security | $640.50 |
ELEX-138 | PC Workstation Fundamentals | $640.50 |
ELEX-139A | PC Server Fundamentals | $640.50 |
ELEX-139B | PC Server Advanced | $768.60 |
ELEX-145 | DC Circuit Analysis & Devices | $640.50 |
ELEX-146 | AC Circuit Analysis & Devices | $768.60 |
ELEX-150 | Data Transmission | $640.50 |
ELEX-160 | Digital Logic&Microprocessors | $768.60 |
ELEX-163 | Home and Industrial Automation | $512.40 |
ELEX-204 | Work Term 2 | $690.84 |
ENGL-021 | Fundamental English 1 | $0.00 |
ENGL-022 | Fundamental English 2 | $0.00 |
ENGL-023 | Fundamental English 3 | $0.00 |
ENGL-024 | Fundamental English 4 | $0.00 |
ENGL-025 | Fundamental English 5 | $0.00 |
ENGL-033 | Fundamental English 6 | $0.00 |
ENGL-050 | Intermediate English | $0.00 |
ENGL-057 | Int. English/Professional Cook | $0.00 |
ENGL-058 | Intermediate English/Trades | $0.00 |
ENGL-070 | Advanced English | $0.00 |
ENGL-090 | Provincial English (12) | $0.00 |
ENGL-091 | Indigenous Prov Eng Comp/Lit 1 | $0.00 |
ENGL-092 | Provincial English Composition | $0.00 |
ENGL-093 | Indigenous Prov Eng Comp/Lit 2 | $0.00 |
ENGL-094 | Provincial English Literature | $0.00 |
ENGL-095 | Provincial Professional and Technical English | $0.00 |
ENGL-103 | Preparatory Academic Writing | $318.60 |
ENGL-104 | Preparatory English Literature | $318.60 |
ENGL-130 | Preparatory Technical Writing | $318.60 |
ENGL-142 | Academic/Professional English | $424.80 |
ENGL-151 | Academic Writing Strategies | $446.40 |
ENGL-161 | Literary Genres | $446.40 |
ENGL-163 | Intro to Literary Traditions | $446.40 |
ENGL-164 | Indigenous Literature | $318.60 |
ENGL-170 | Technical Writing | $318.60 |
ENGL-221 | Film and Literature | $384.30 |
ENGL-224 | American Literature | $318.60 |
ENGL-250 | Advanced Composition | $318.60 |
ENGL-251 | Advanced Communication | $318.60 |
ENGL-262 | Women's Literature | $318.60 |
ENGL-266 | Literature for Children&Youth | $446.40 |
ENGL-270 | Canadian Literature | $318.60 |
ENGL-273 | Technical Communication | $318.60 |
ENGL-280 | English Literature to 1700 | $318.60 |
ENGL-282 | English Literature 1700-1900 | $318.60 |
ENGL-286 | Literature 1900 to Present | $318.60 |
ENGL-290 | Special Topics in Literature 1 | $318.60 |
ENGL-QKSTRT | English Quick Start | $0.00 |
ENGR-104 | Work Term 1 | $690.84 |
ENGR-152 | Technical Publishing Appl | $390.00 |
ENGR-154 | Design Visualization | $332.80 |
ENGR-155 | 3D Modelling and Design | $1,121.25 |
ENGR-158 | Applications in Computing | $234.00 |
ENGR-166 | Geology for Engineers | $390.00 |
ENGR-175 | Statics | $409.92 |
ENGR-178 | Commercial Practices 1 | $390.00 |
ENGR-188 | Commercial Practices 2 | $332.80 |
ENGR-189 | CAD Projects | $208.00 |
ENGR-195 | Intro to Engineering Design | $606.72 |
ENGR-198 | Technical Specifications | $249.60 |
ENGR-199 | Work Term | $460.92 |
ENGR-204 | Work Term | $690.84 |
ENGR-255 | Design Visualization | $1,121.25 |
ENGR-262 | Analytical Methods | $390.00 |
ENGR-263 | Structural Analysis | $1,229.40 |
ENGR-264 | Engineering Mechanics | $390.00 |
ENGR-290 | Materials and Thermodynamics | $234.00 |
ENGR-291 | Solid Mechanics and Dynamics | $448.35 |
ENGR-292 | Fluids and Thermodynamics | $448.35 |
ENGR-293 | Project Management and Design | $384.30 |
ENGR-295 | Building Science Fundamentals | $691.80 |
ENVR-101 | Co-operative Work Experience 1 | $690.84 |
ENVR-100 | Climate Solutions | $472.05 |
ENVR-112 | Environmental Research and Practice | $472.05 |
ENVR-115 | Atmosphere and Hydrosphere | $944.10 |
ENVR-160 | Environmental Sampling and Analysis | $944.10 |
ENVR-201 | Co-operative Work Experience 2 | $690.84 |
ENVR-212 | Capstone Project | $786.75 |
ENVR-217 | Field Skills | $944.10 |
ENVR-260 | Environmental Remediation | $944.10 |
ETP-010 | Life, Learning and Work Skills | $585.90 |
ETP-011 | Community Cooking | $585.90 |
ETP-020 | Essential Employment Skills | $1,464.75 |
ETP-021 | Earth Gardening | $1,660.05 |
ETP-030 | Customized Employment Training | $1,367.10 |
ETP-031 | Customer Service Skills | $1,367.10 |
ETP-032 | Farm to Table Food Service | $1,367.10 |
ETP-035 | Workplace Certificates | $390.60 |
ETP-036 | Effective Job Search Skills | $292.95 |
ETP-040 | Campus Connections | $156.24 |
ETP-041 | Networking in the Community | $208.32 |
ETP-042 | Skills for Adulthood | $260.40 |
ETP-051 | Transition to Employment | $1,757.70 |
ETP-052 | Community Service | $1,074.15 |
ETP-053 | Leadership | $683.55 |
EXW-120 | Lifetime Sports 1 | $424.80 |
Activity Fee for EXW 120 | $377.48 | |
EXW-121 | Lifetime Sports 2 | $424.80 |
Activity Fee for EXW 121 | $480.47 | |
EXW-130 | Life Cycle Fitness | $318.60 |
Course Code | Name | Effective September 2024-25 |
FIN-110 | Fundamentals of Finance | $379.20 |
FIN-210 | Corporate Finance | $379.20 |
FIN-220 | Investments 1 | $284.40 |
FIN-310 | Advanced Finance | $512.40 |
FREN-105 | Parlez-vous français? 1 | $424.80 |
FREN-106 | Parlez-vous français? 2 | $424.80 |
FREN-205 | Le françaisvia les medias 1 | $424.80 |
FREN-206 | Le françaisvia les medias 2 | $424.80 |
FURN-152 | Fine Furniture 1 | $1,780.00 |
FURN-154 | Fine Furniture 2 | $1,780.00 |
FURN-156 | Fine Furniture 3 | $890.00 |
Course Code | Name | Effective September 2024-25 |
GASF-410 | Gasfitter Level 1 | $1,112.50 |
GASF-420 | Gasfitter Level 2 | $1,112.50 |
GBST-100 | Global Studies 1 | $446.40 |
GBST-200 | Global Studies 2 | $446.40 |
GEOG-100 | Environment and Sustainability | $312.00 |
GEOG-102 | Human Geography | $312.00 |
GEOG-103 | Globalization & World Regions | $312.00 |
GEOG-104 | Canada: Peoples and Land | $312.00 |
GEOG-105 | Geography of British Columbia | $312.00 |
GEOG-111 | Natural Hazards | $312.00 |
GEOG-216 | Statistics in Geography | $390.00 |
GEOG-217 | Maps and GIS | $531.00 |
GEOG-219 | Field Surveying | $531.00 |
GEOG-220 | Resource and Environmental Mgt | $312.00 |
GEOG-222 | Economic Geography | $312.00 |
GEOG-227 | Advanced GIS Applications | $629.40 |
GEOG-236 | Geography of Cities | $312.00 |
GEOG-260 | Geographies of Development | $424.80 |
GEOG-272 | Weather and Climate | $424.80 |
GEOG-274 | Environmental Biogeography | $531.00 |
GEOG-276 | Geomorphology | $531.00 |
GEOG-290 | Special Topics in Geography | $796.80 |
GEOS-100 | Physical Geology | $468.00 |
GEOS-110 | Earth-Ocean-Atmosphere System | $468.00 |
GEOS-240 | Sedimentary Geology | $468.00 |
GEOS-250 | Introduction to Mineralogy | $468.00 |
GSWS-110 | Women, Knowledge, Sex & Power | $384.30 |
GSWS-204 | Gender and Globalization | $518.85 |
Course Code | Name | Effective September 2024-25 |
HCA-110 | Concepts for Practice | $287.00 |
HCA-120 | Introduction to Practice | $123.00 |
HCA-130 | Interpersonal Communications | $205.00 |
HCA-140 | Lifestyle and Choices | $123.00 |
HCA-150 | Healing 1 | $471.50 |
HCA-154 | Healing 2 | $246.00 |
HCA-161 | Personal Care Skills 1 | $276.75 |
HCA-162 | Personal Care Skills 2 | $215.25 |
HCA-171 | Clinical Placement 1 | $246.00 |
HCA-172 | Community Practicum | $246.00 |
HCA-173 | Clinical Placement 2 | $615.00 |
HCA-174 | Transition Practicum | $102.50 |
HDET-410 | Heavy Duty Tech Level 1 | $1,397.50 |
HDET-420 | Heavy Duty Tech Level 2 | $1,118.00 |
HDET-430 | Heavy Duty Equipment Tech Yr 3 | $838.50 |
HDET-440 | Heavy Duty Equipment Tech Yr 4 | $698.75 |
HEVY-110 | Heavy Mechanical Trades | $4,005.00 |
HEVY-120 | Work Experience | $333.75 |
HIST-100 | Introduction to History | $318.60 |
HIST-102 | World Civilizations 1/PRE 1450 | $318.60 |
HIST-103 | World Civilizations2/Post1450 | $318.60 |
HIST-106 | Age of Crisis: World 1900-1945 | $318.60 |
HIST-108 | New World Order ?: Post 1945 | $318.60 |
HIST-110 | Inventing Canada: pre 1867 | $318.60 |
HIST-112 | Oh Canada: Canada After 1867 | $318.60 |
HIST-115 | Sexuality in the West | $446.40 |
HIST-116 | History Through Film | $446.40 |
HIST-120 | European History: 1450 to 1789 | $318.60 |
HIST-122 | European History: 1789 to Pres | $318.60 |
HIST-130 | U.S. History to the Civil War | $318.60 |
HIST-132 | U.S. History: 1865 to Present | $318.60 |
HIST-150 | The Second World War | $446.40 |
HIST-204 | Canadian Women: 1600-1920 | $318.60 |
HIST-206 | Canadian Women: 1916 - Present | $318.60 |
HIST-252 | Sport History | $318.60 |
HIST-290 | Special Topics in History | $384.30 |
HLSC-264 | Interprofessional Practices | $744.30 |
HLTH-110 | Hlth Wellness Contemporary Soc | $318.60 |
HLTH-111 | Indigenous Peoples' Health | $318.60 |
HLTH-112 | Holistic Health & Healing | $318.60 |
HLTH-113 | Creativity and Health | $446.40 |
HLTH-115 | Global Health | $597.60 |
HMGT-100 | Hospitality Career Skills | $144.90 |
HMGT-101 | Co-operative Work Experience | $690.84 |
HMGT-102 | Internship Work Experience | $690.84 |
HMGT-184 | Beverage Operations | $326.03 |
HMGT-185 | Beverage Management Essentials | $326.03 |
HMGT-186 | Hotel Operations | $217.35 |
HMGT-187 | Food & Beverage Cost Control | $217.35 |
HMGT-190 | Intro to Restaurant Operations | $640.50 |
HMGT-285 | Integrated Restaurant Mgmt | $905.63 |
HMGT-286 | Integrated Events Management | $819.84 |
HORT-103 | Introduction to Horticulture | $333.75 |
HORT-104 | Plant Identification 1 | $333.75 |
HORT-105 | Botany for Horticulture | $333.75 |
HORT-106 | Soils and Growing Media | $111.25 |
HORT-107 | Landscape 1 | $333.75 |
HORT-108 | Pests & Pesticides Applicators | $222.50 |
HORT-109 | Plant Propagation 1 | $111.25 |
HORT-110 | Turf Grass Management | $222.50 |
HORT-121 | Diseases | $222.50 |
HORT-122 | Greenhouses and Environments | $222.50 |
HORT-123 | Equipment Maintenance | $111.25 |
HORT-124 | Plant Identification 2 | $111.25 |
HORT-126 | Irrigation and Drainage | $111.25 |
HORT-127 | Landscape 2 | $333.75 |
HORT-128 | Arboriculture | $111.25 |
HORT-129 | Plant Propagation 2 | $111.25 |
HORT-131 | Business Pract in Horticulture | $222.50 |
HORT-132 | Horticulture Therapy | $111.25 |
HORT-133 | Water Gardening | $111.25 |
HORT-134 | Organic Vegetable Production | $111.25 |
HORT-135 | Retail & Wholesale Production | $111.25 |
HORT-140 | Work Experience 1 | $222.50 |
HORT-141 | Work Experience 2 | $222.50 |
Course Code | Name | Effective September 2024-25 |
IBL-105 | Indigenous Business Context | $284.40 |
IBL-110 | Indigenous Leadership 1 | $284.40 |
ICS-104 | Work Term 1 | $690.84 |
ICS-110 | Computer Technology Essentials | $551.34 |
ICS-112 | Database Concepts 1 | $551.34 |
ICS-113 | OS and Architecture | $551.34 |
ICS-114 | Algorithms and Programming | $551.34 |
ICS-118 | Web Fundamentals | $551.34 |
ICS-120 | Database Concepts | $551.34 |
ICS-124 | Algorithms and Data Structure | $551.34 |
ICS-125 | SENG Process | $551.34 |
ICS-126 | Systems Administration | $551.34 |
ICS-128 | Web Scripting | $551.34 |
ICS-199 | Applied Computing Project | $1,102.68 |
ICS-200 | Special Topics in Computing | $551.34 |
ICS-204 | Work Term 2 | $690.84 |
ICS-208 | Work Term (optional) -8 month | $690.84 |
ICS-211 | Web Applications | $551.34 |
ICS-212 | Database Systems Management | $551.34 |
ICS-214 | Programming From C to C++ | $551.34 |
ICS-215 | Systems Analysis and Design | $551.34 |
ICS-221 | Web Services | $551.34 |
ICS-223 | Gaming and Graphics Concepts | $551.34 |
ICS-224 | Mobile App Development | $551.34 |
ICS-226 | Network Programming | $551.34 |
ICS-228 | Computer Ethics and Security | $551.34 |
ICS-280 | Capstone Project Preparation | $183.78 |
ICS-290 | Capstone Project | $1,102.68 |
ICS-304 | Work Term 3 | $690.84 |
IDS-210 | Intercultural Engineering | $446.40 |
ICW-111 | Cultural Teachings 1- Learning | $446.40 |
ICW-112 | Sharing Voice: Communications | $446.40 |
ICW-113 | Decolonizing the Journey | $446.40 |
ICW-114 | Good Relations | $446.40 |
ICW-115 | Cultural Teachings 2-Applying | $446.40 |
ICW-116 | Community Care Strategies | $446.40 |
ICW-117 | Sharing Hands: Community | $446.40 |
ICW-118 | Leadership | $446.40 |
ICW-119 | Cultural Teachings 3 - Practicing | $902.72 |
ICW-120 | Sharing Hands: Capstone | $518.85 |
IESA-190 | International Ed Study Abroad | $200.25 |
IFS-120 | Circle and Elder's Teaching 1 | $92.25 |
IFS-121 | Circle and Elder's Teaching 2 | $92.25 |
IFS-142 | Professional Practice | $885.60 |
IMHA-520 | Culture Diversity and Counselling | $597.60 |
IMHA-522 | Introduction to Counselling | $597.60 |
IMHA-524 | Psycohopathology in Social Context | $597.60 |
IMHA-526 | Assessment and Recover Planning | $597.60 |
IMHA-528 | Lab-Applied Practice in Mental Health | $597.60 |
IMHA-530 | Substance Use and Interventions | $597.60 |
IMHA-532 | Group Counselling | $597.60 |
IMHA-534 | Trauma and Interpersonal Violence | $597.60 |
IMHA-536 | Professionalism in Practice | $597.60 |
IMHA-538 | Recovery-Oriented Interventions | $597.60 |
IMHA-540 | Practicum | $1,429.68 |
IST-093 | IST Circle&Elders Teaching 1 | $0.00 |
IST-094 | IST Circle&Elders Teaching 2 | $0.00 |
IST-095 | Ways of Wellness - Learning | $0.00 |
IST-096 | Ways of Wellness - Community | $0.00 |
IST-104 | Indigenous Ways of Knowing | $318.60 |
IST-111 | Circle Seminar 1 | $159.30 |
IST-112 | Circle Seminar 2 | $159.30 |
IST-116 | Indigenous Studies in Canada 1 | $318.60 |
IST-117 | Indigenous Studies in Canada 2 | $318.60 |
IST-120 | Intro to Indigenous Peoples | $555.86 |
IST-136 | Indigenous Justice and Law | $672.75 |
IST-142 | Land, Water, & Stewardship | $672.75 |
IST-204 | Special Projects | $318.60 |
IST-205 | Indigenous Intro Social Work | $518.85 |
IST-206 | Indigenous Social Welfare | $518.85 |
IST-211 | Circle Seminar 3 | $159.30 |
IST-212 | Circle Seminar 4 | $159.30 |
IST-220 | Indigenous Art Studies | $318.60 |
IST-230 | Community Engagement & Action | $672.75 |
IST-232 | Indigenous Politics | $318.60 |
IST-234 | Land and Language | $318.60 |
IST-241 | Gender & Identity | $318.60 |
IST-243 | Comparative Indigenous Rights | $318.60 |
IST-250 | QCASET Cultural Camp | $872.99 |
IST-300 | Connecting with WILL | $1,848.60 |
IST-301 | Relational Leadership 1 | $1,848.60 |
IST-302 | Relational Leadership 2 | $1,848.60 |
IST-303 | Advanced QCASET | $1,848.60 |
IST-304 | Community Leadership | $1,848.60 |
IST-305 | Māori Relational Leadership | $1,848.60 |
IST-306 | He Ao Hurihuri: A Changing World | $1,848.60 |
IST-307 | Community Project | $1,848.60 |
Course Code | Name | Effective September 2024-25 |
JAPN-100 | Introduction to Japanese 1 | $424.80 |
JAPN-101 | Introduction to Japanese 2 | $424.80 |
JAPN-200 | Second Year Japanese 1 | $424.80 |
JAPN-201 | Second Year Japanese 2 | $424.80 |
Course Code | Name | Effective September 2024-25 |
KIN-102 | Internship | $690.84 |
KIN-102P | Parallel Internship | $690.84 |
KIN-115 | Leadership & Comm. in Kines. | $518.85 |
KIN-120 | Fitness & Wellness | $424.80 |
KIN-125 | Introduction to Sport Science | $512.40 |
KIN-135 | Introduction to Outdoor Sports | $691.80 |
KIN-150 | Sport Biomechanics | $595.20 |
KIN-210 | Exercise Physiology | $531.00 |
KIN-220 | Resistance & Group Exercise | $424.80 |
Activity Fee for KIN 220 | $171.61 | |
KIN-230 | Behavioural Fitness | $318.60 |
KIN-240 | Fitness & Health Assessment | $424.80 |
KIN-241 | Exercise Prescription & Design | $424.80 |
KIN-255 | Intro to Adapted Sport & PA | $512.40 |
KIN-280 | Growth & Development | $518.85 |
KIN-291 | Applied Exercise & Wellness | $955.80 |
KIN-310 | Research Methods | $384.30 |
KIN-315 | Behaviour in Sport Orgs | $424.80 |
KIN-335 | Individual Sports & Activities | $691.80 |
KIN-341 | Training for Performance | $640.50 |
KIN-345 | Funct. Anat. & Corrective Ex. | $864.75 |
KIN-350 | Health & Fitness Promotion | $384.30 |
KIN-355 | Etiology and Tx of Obesity | $512.40 |
KIN-380 | Applied Nutrition | $518.85 |
KIN-385 | Active Aging | $691.80 |
KIN-400 | Chronic Disease Management | $512.40 |
KIN-402 | Internship | $690.84 |
KIN-402P | Parallel Internship | $690.84 |
KIN-410 | Advanced Exercise Physiology | $691.80 |
KIN-412 | Phys.Activity & Mental Health | $512.40 |
KIN-415 | Management and Professional Practice | $384.30 |
Activity Fee for KIN 415 | $74.01 | |
KIN-430 | Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation | $512.40 |
KIN-435 | Outdoor Adventure Education | $512.40 |
Activity Fee for KIN 435 | $289.36 | |
KIN-455 | Adapted Sport: Adv. Practices | $512.40 |
KIN-470 | Social Process/Sport&Fitness | $518.85 |
KIN-489 | Directed Study | $691.80 |
KIN-491 | Applied Exercise Management | $460.56 |
KORE-100 | Korean Basic 1 | $424.80 |
KORE-101 | Korean Basic 2 | $424.80 |
KORE-200 | Korean Pre-Intermediate | $424.80 |
Course Code | Name | Effective September 2024-25 |
LGL-150 | Foundations of Law & Procedure | $512.40 |
LGL-153 | Conveyancing Procedures | $512.40 |
LGL-154 | Family Law Procedure | $512.40 |
LGL-157 | Wills, Estates and Corporate Procedures | $512.40 |
LGL-158 | Litigation Procedures | $512.40 |
LRNS-102 | Learning Skills | $166.88 |
LRNS-103 | Learning Skills/Human Sciences | $133.50 |
Course Code | Name | Effective September 2024-25 |
MARK-110 | Introduction to Marketing | $379.20 |
MARK-210 | Marketing Research | $379.20 |
MARK-220 | Integrated Marketing Communications | $379.20 |
MARK-230 | Retail Management | $284.40 |
MARK-233 | Corporate Communication-Public Relations | $512.40 |
MARK-235 | Creative Selling | $379.20 |
MARK-320 | Marketing Media and Buying | $512.40 |
MARK-330 | Marketing Communications Portfolio | $512.40 |
MARK-360 | Sustainable Marketing | $512.40 |
MARK-365 | Consumer Behavior | $512.40 |
MARK-385 | Services Marketing | $384.30 |
MARK-395 | Customer Relationship Management | $512.40 |
MARK-420 | Marketing Project Management | $512.40 |
MARK-433 | Strategic Communications Mgmt | $512.40 |
MARK-435 | Sales Management | $512.40 |
MARK-440 | Digital Marketing | $512.40 |
MARK-445 | Marketing Data Analytics | $512.40 |
MARK-465 | Business to Business Marketing | $512.40 |
MARK-485 | Current Trends in Marketing | $512.40 |
MASS-105 | Professional Practice | $744.30 |
MASS-112 | Therapeutic Exercise | $992.40 |
MASS-115 | General Pathology | $744.30 |
MASS-117 | Orthopedic Pathology | $744.30 |
MASS-121 | Anatomy and Physiology 1 | $744.30 |
MASS-122 | Anatomy and Physiology 2 | $744.30 |
MASS-123 | Anatomy and Physiology 3 | $744.30 |
MASS-131 | Musculoskeletal Anatomy 1 | $1,240.50 |
MASS-132 | Musculoskeletal Anatomy 2 | $1,240.50 |
MASS-141 | Manual Skills 1 | $1,240.50 |
MASS-142 | Manual Skills 2 | $1,240.50 |
MASS-151 | Neurology 1: PNS | $744.30 |
MASS-152 | Neurology 2: CNS | $744.30 |
MASS-161 | Systemic Treatment 1 | $992.40 |
MASS-180 | Principles of Assessment | $1,240.50 |
MASS-182 | Self-Care for Therapists | $744.30 |
MASS-191 | Clinical Placement 1 | $2,232.90 |
MASS-192 | Clinical Placement 2 | $2,232.90 |
MASS-198 | Clinical Integration | $744.30 |
MASS-224 | Anatomy and Physiology 4 | $744.30 |
MASS-262 | Systemic Treatment 2 | $992.40 |
MASS-270 | Regional and Spinal Ortho. Tx. | $1,240.50 |
MASS-272 | Joint Mobilizations | $992.40 |
MASS-274 | Neuro Assessment and Tx | $992.40 |
MASS-276 | Postsurgical Treatment | $744.30 |
MASS-284 | Medication Awareness | $744.30 |
MASS-286 | Pain and Stress | $496.20 |
MASS-288 | Nutrition | $496.20 |
MASS-293 | Clinical Placement 3 | $3,721.50 |
MASS-294 | Clinical Placement 4 | $3,721.50 |
MASS-298 | Integration Seminar | $992.40 |
MATH-021 | Fundamental Mathematics 1 | $0.00 |
MATH-022 | Fundamental Mathematics 2 | $0.00 |
MATH-023 | Fundamental Mathematics 3 | $0.00 |
MATH-024 | Fundamental Mathematics 4 | $0.00 |
MATH-025 | Fundamental Mathematics 5 | $0.00 |
MATH-026 | Fundamental Mathematics 6 | $0.00 |
MATH-037 | Math for Professional Cook | $0.00 |
MATH-038 | Math for General Trades | $0.00 |
MATH-039 | Basic Math for Healthcare | $0.00 |
MATH-052 | Intermediate Mathematics 1 | $0.00 |
MATH-053 | Intermediate Mathematics 2 | $0.00 |
MATH-057 | Math for Electrical Trades | $0.00 |
MATH-058 | Applied Math - Ship Stability | $246.00 |
MATH-072 | Advanced Mathematics 1 | $0.00 |
MATH-073 | Advanced Mathematics 2 | $0.00 |
MATH-075 | College Prep - Applied Math | $0.00 |
MATH-077 | College Prep - Mathematics 1 | $0.00 |
MATH-097 | College Prep - Mathematics 2 | $0.00 |
MATH-100 | Calculus 1 | $474.00 |
MATH-101 | Calculus 2 | $474.00 |
MATH-107 | Applied Precalculus | $474.00 |
MATH-108 | Applied Calculus | $474.00 |
MATH-109 | Finite Mathematics | $379.20 |
MATH-115 | Precalculus | $568.80 |
MATH-125 | Introduction to Linear Algebra | $531.00 |
MATH-126 | Basic Discrete Mathematics | $379.20 |
MATH-139 | Algebra, Trig & Geometry | $568.80 |
MATH-142 | Numbers & Algebra for Ed. | $640.50 |
MATH-143 | Geometry & Probability for Ed | $640.50 |
MATH-156 | Math and Stats for Computing | $690.75 |
MATH-166 | Applied Math for Electronics 1 | $379.20 |
MATH-168 | Applied Math for Electronics 2 | $379.20 |
MATH-191 | Applied Math for Civil/Mech 1 | $474.00 |
MATH-193 | Applied Math for Civil/Mech 2 | $474.00 |
MATH-220 | Multivariable Calculus | $474.00 |
MATH-226 | Elem Differential Equations | $531.00 |
MATH-250A | Intermediate Calculus 1 | $474.00 |
MATH-250B | Intermediate Calculus 2 | $379.20 |
MATH-251 | Matrix Algebra for Engineers | $474.00 |
MATH-252 | Applied Differential Equations | $379.20 |
MECH-210 | Statics and Dynamics | $312.00 |
MENG-104 | Work Term 1 | $690.84 |
MENG-131 | Fluid Power | $551.34 |
MENG-132 | Intro to Fluid Mechanics | $551.34 |
MENG-141 | Manufacturing Processes 1 | $551.34 |
MENG-152 | Engr Graphics and Modelling | $551.34 |
MENG-162 | Building Systems | $551.34 |
MENG-171 | Engineering Materials | $551.34 |
MENG-172 | Statics | $551.34 |
MENG-181 | Mechanical Control Programming | $551.34 |
MENG-204 | Work Term 2 | $690.84 |
MENG-244 | Manufacturing Processes 2/CAM | $551.34 |
MENG-245 | Manufacturing Processes 3 & Qc | $551.34 |
MENG-253 | Dynamics & Mechanisms | $735.12 |
MENG-254 | Machine Design | $735.12 |
MENG-263 | Fluids and Heat Transfer | $551.34 |
MENG-264 | Thermodynamics | $551.34 |
MENG-273 | Strength of Materials | $551.34 |
MENG-274 | Advanced Strength of Materials | $551.34 |
MENG-275 | Computational Modelling | $551.34 |
MENG-283 | Control Systems | $551.34 |
MENG-284 | Robotics and Automation | $551.34 |
MENG-293 | Project Mgmt & Social Resp | $551.34 |
MENG-295 | Project Planning and Design | $1,102.68 |
MENG-304 | Work Term 3 | $690.84 |
MFAB-410 | Metal Fabricator Fitter Lvl 1 | $778.75 |
MFAB-420 | Metal Fabricator Fitter Lvl 2 | $778.75 |
MFAB-430 | Metal Fabricator Fitter Lvl 3 | $667.50 |
MHA-110 | Foundations for Practice | $318.60 |
MHA-111 | Mental Illness/Interventions | $531.00 |
MHA-115 | Therapeutic Relationships | $531.00 |
MHA-120 | Support Strategies | $424.80 |
MHA-125 | Professional Practice 1 | $212.40 |
MHA-126 | Professional Practice 2 | $212.40 |
MHA-135 | Addictions and Interventions | $531.00 |
MHA-140 | Practicum | $1,201.83 |
MHCJ-310 | Theoretical Foundation in MHCJ | $557.76 |
MHCJ-320 | Systems and Services in MHCJ | $557.76 |
MHCJ-330 | Methods and Practice in MHCJ | $557.76 |
MHCJ-340 | Contemporary Issues in MHCJ | $557.76 |
MIDS-121 | Intro to Scanning Skills | $1,736.70 |
MIDS-127 | Abdominal Scanning Basics | $992.40 |
MIDS-137 | Pelvic Sonography Procedures | $1,240.50 |
MIDS-139 | Sonography Principles 1 | $1,240.50 |
MIDS-147 | OBGYN Sonography Procedures 1 | $1,240.50 |
MIDS-151 | Intermediate Scanning Skills 1 | $992.40 |
MIDS-167 | Basics of ECG | $1,240.50 |
MIDS-181 | Intermediate Scanning Skills 2 | $1,488.60 |
MIDS-187 | OBGYN Sonography Procedures 2 | $1,240.50 |
MIDS-197 | Cardiac Sonography 1 | $1,240.50 |
MIDS-199 | Sonography Principles 2 | $1,240.50 |
MIDS-227 | Superficial Structures | $1,240.50 |
MIDS-231 | Intermediate Scanning Skills 3 | $1,488.60 |
MIDS-237 | Vascular Sonography Procedures | $1,240.50 |
MIDS-247 | Cardiac Sonography 2 | $1,240.50 |
MIDS-267 | MSK Sonography Procedures | $1,240.50 |
MIDS-281 | Advanced Scanning Skills | $1,852.48 |
MIDS-287 | Interventional Sonography | $1,240.50 |
MIDS-297 | Cardiac Sonography 3 | $1,240.50 |
MLAB-117 | Medical Laboratory Procedures1 | $1,240.50 |
MLAB-121 | Lab & Phlebotomy Skills 1 | $1,240.50 |
MLAB-139 | Pre-Analytics & Lab Principles | $1,240.50 |
MLAB-147 | Medical Laboratory Procedures2 | $1,240.50 |
MLAB-151 | Lab & Phlebotomy Skills 2 | $1,240.50 |
MLAB-173 | Laboratory Pathophysiology | $1,240.50 |
MOA-150 | Medical Office Procedures | $512.40 |
MOA-153 | Intro Medical Transcription | $512.40 |
MOA-154 | Medical Billing | $512.40 |
MOA-155 | Medical Terminology | $512.40 |
MOA-182 | Medical Office Career Practice | $854.00 |
MRAD-106 | A & P for Radiographer | $414.45 |
MRAD-108 | Clinical Preparation 1 | $496.20 |
MRAD-117 | Introduction to Procedures | $2,210.40 |
MRAD-119 | Principles of Imaging 1 | $828.90 |
MRAD-130 | Clinical Practicum 1 | $4,697.10 |
MRAD-148 | Clinical Preparation 2 | $496.20 |
MRAD-156 | Relational A & P - Part A | $552.60 |
MRAD-157 | Advanced Procedures | $2,232.90 |
MRAD-159 | Principles of Imaging 2 | $690.75 |
MRAD-165 | Physics of Imaging and Therapy | $1,488.60 |
MRAD-173 | Pathology - Part A | $414.45 |
MRAD-254 | Interprofessional Exploration | $496.20 |
MRAD-256 | Relational A & P - Part B | $552.60 |
MRAD-260 | Clinical Practicum 2 | $4,697.10 |
MRAD-266 | Intro to Sectional Anatomy | $414.45 |
MRAD-268 | Professional Preparation | $744.30 |
MRAD-273 | Pathology - Part B | $414.45 |
MRAD-277 | CT Procedures | $1,240.50 |
MRAD-279 | Principles of CT | $744.30 |
MRAD-288 | Capstone Project | $744.30 |
MRAD-290 | Clinical Practicum 3 | $4,697.10 |
MTEC-100 | Intro to Music Technologies | $595.20 |
MTEC-210 | Digital Notation and Scoring | $498.00 |
MTEC-212 | Music Sequencing and DAW | $498.00 |
MTEC-214 | Virtual & Software Instruments | $498.00 |
MTEC-220 | Music Recording: Fundamentals | $498.00 |
MTEC-222 | Digital Audio Mixing & Editing | $498.00 |
MTEC-224 | Introduction to Computer Music | $398.40 |
MUSC-102 | Studio Instruction 1 | $1,434.30 |
MUSC-103 | Studio Instruction 2 | $1,434.30 |
MUSC-104 | Principal Instrument 1 | $1,434.30 |
MUSC-105 | Principal Instrument 2 | $1,434.30 |
MUSC-106 | Secondary Instrument 1 | $717.15 |
MUSC-107 | Secondary Instrument 2 | $717.15 |
MUSC-108 | Secondary Instrument 3 | $717.15 |
MUSC-109 | Secondary Instrument 4 | $717.15 |
MUSC-110 | Fundamentals of Music Theory1 | $595.20 |
MUSC-111 | Fundamentals of Music Theory2 | $595.20 |
MUSC-112 | Tonal Harmony 1 | $672.75 |
MUSC-113 | Tonal Harmony 2 | $672.75 |
MUSC-114 | Aural Skills 1 | $448.50 |
MUSC-115 | Aural Skills 2 | $448.50 |
MUSC-120 | Music in the Western World | $597.60 |
MUSC-124 | Music Before 1600 | $672.75 |
MUSC-125 | Music, 1600-1780 | $672.75 |
MUSC-130 | Conducted Ensemble 1 | $318.60 |
MUSC-131 | Conducted Ensemble 2 | $318.60 |
MUSC-132 | Collaborative Ensemble 1 | $398.40 |
MUSC-133 | Collaborative Ensemble 2 | $398.40 |
MUSC-140 | The Creative Impulse | $672.75 |
MUSC-143 | Introduction to Songwriting | $448.50 |
MUSC-145 | Intro to Performance Awareness | $672.75 |
MUSC-146 | Foundations of Stage Presence | $672.75 |
MUSC-160 | Solo Concert Preparation 1 | $717.15 |
MUSC-161 | Solo Concert Preparation 2 | $717.15 |
MUSC-204 | Principal Instrument 3 | $1,434.30 |
MUSC-205 | Principal Instrument 4 | $1,434.30 |
MUSC-212 | Chromatic Harmony | $672.75 |
MUSC-213 | Adv Harmony and Atonality | $672.75 |
MUSC-214 | Aural Skills 3, Classical | $448.50 |
MUSC-215 | Aural Skills 4, Classical | $448.50 |
MUSC-216 | Contemporary Music Theory | $672.75 |
MUSC-217 | Contemporary Music Arranging | $672.75 |
MUSC-218 | Aural Skills 3, Contemporary | $448.50 |
MUSC-219 | Aural Skills 4, Contemporary | $448.50 |
MUSC-220 | Intro to Folk and World Music | $672.75 |
MUSC-221 | History of Jazz | $672.75 |
MUSC-222 | History of Blues and Rock | $672.75 |
MUSC-224 | Music, 1780-1890 | $672.75 |
MUSC-225 | Modern Classical Music | $672.75 |
MUSC-230 | Conducted Ensemble 3 | $318.60 |
MUSC-231 | Conducted Ensemble 4 | $318.60 |
MUSC-232 | Collaborative Ensemble 3 | $398.40 |
MUSC-233 | Collaborative Ensemble 4 | $398.40 |
MUSC-241 | Composing As Singer-Songwriter | $672.75 |
MUSC-250 | Studio Teaching 1 | $614.70 |
MUSC-251 | Studio Teaching 2 | $614.70 |
MUSC-252 | Studio Teaching Materials 1 | $614.70 |
MUSC-253 | Studio Teaching Materials 2 | $614.70 |
MUSC-258 | Teaching Seminar | $614.70 |
MUSC-260 | Solo Concert Preparation 3 | $717.15 |
MUSC-261 | Solo Concert Presentation | $1,314.78 |
MUSC-264 | Vocal Diction and IPA | $448.50 |
MUSC-265 | Intro to Basic Conducting | $448.50 |
MUSC-276 | The Music Profession | $398.40 |
Course Code | Name | Effective September 2024-25 |
NURS-110 | The Profession of Nursing | $251.55 |
NURS-111 | Discipline of Nursing | $251.55 |
NURS-112 | RN Scholarly Practice | $922.05 |
NURS-132 | Nurses Promoting Health | $251.55 |
NURS-133 | Health Across the Lifespan | $251.55 |
NURS-142 | Nursing Skills and Assessment | $335.40 |
NURS-143 | Holistic Assessment and Skills | $335.40 |
NURS-160 | Relational Practice | $251.55 |
NURS-180 | Promoting Health in Practice | $268.32 |
NURS-181 | Health Promoting Practice | $503.10 |
NURS-190 | Consolidated Prac Experience 1 | $939.12 |
NURS-232 | Nursing Care in Illness | $335.40 |
NURS-233 | Surgical and Illness Nursing | $335.40 |
NURS-242 | Foundational Nursing Skills | $251.55 |
NURS-243 | Nursing Skills - Intermediate | $251.55 |
NURS-252 | Integrated Health Sciences 1 | $1,844.10 |
NURS-253 | Integrated Health Sciences 2 | $1,844.10 |
NURS-260 | Relational Caring | $251.55 |
NURS-280 | Nursing Practice 3 | $1,006.20 |
NURS-281 | Nursing Practice 4 | $1,006.20 |
NURS-290 | Consolidated Prac Experience 2 | $939.12 |
NURS-332 | Care in Crisis and Complexity | $251.55 |
NURS-342 | Advanced Nursing Skills | $251.55 |
NURS-360 | Advanced Relational Practice | $251.55 |
NURS-380 | Nursing in Crisis & Complexity | $1,090.05 |
Course Code | Name | Effective September 2024-25 |
PADM-112 | Foundations of Public Admin | $284.40 |
PADM-211 | Planning in Government | $284.40 |
PADM-227 | Government Services | $284.40 |
PADM-230 | Public Finance in Canada | $284.40 |
PADM-240 | Administrative Law in Canada | $284.40 |
PADM-260 | Multi-Party Decisions in Gov't | $284.40 |
PADM-290 | Current Issues in Public Admin | $284.40 |
PHIL-100 | Intro. to Philosophy: Classics | $318.60 |
PHIL-102 | Intro. to Philosophy: Ideas | $318.60 |
PHIL-104 | Philosophy of Sex and Love | $318.60 |
PHIL-110 | Logic and Critical Thinking | $318.60 |
PHIL-116 | Philosophy Through Film | $446.40 |
PHIL-202 | Current Ethical Issues | $318.60 |
PHIL-204 | Ethics: Animals to Ecosystems | $318.60 |
PHIL-206 | The Good Life | $318.60 |
PHIL-207 | Philosophy of Mind | $318.60 |
PHIL-212 | Symbolic Logic | $318.60 |
PHIL-236 | Social & Political Philosophy | $318.60 |
PHIL-250 | Healthcare Ethics | $318.60 |
PHIL-290 | Special Topics in Philosophy | $384.30 |
PHIL-330 | Ethics in Business | $318.60 |
PHYS-070 | College Prep Physics | $0.00 |
PHYS-090 | College Prep Physics 2 | $0.00 |
PHYS-101 | Introduction to Physics | $568.80 |
PHYS-104 | General College Physics 1 | $468.00 |
PHYS-105 | General College Physics 2 | $468.00 |
PHYS-140 | Physics for Science/ENGR 1 | $468.00 |
PHYS-141 | Physics for Science/ENGR 2 | $468.00 |
PHYS-157 | Physics for Electronics | $390.00 |
PHYS-160 | Biomechanics of Sport | $390.00 |
PHYS-165 | Physics of Imaging and Therapy | $1,488.60 |
PHYS-210 | Electricity and Magnetism | $468.00 |
PHYS-272 | Energy and Sustainability | $390.00 |
PHYS-295 | Physics (Engineering Bridge) | $390.00 |
PIPE-110 | Trades Core Practicals | $650.00 |
PIPE-119 | Piping Trades Access | $512.50 |
PIPE-120 | Piping Trades Practicals | $650.00 |
PIPE-130 | Pipe Trades Specialties | $1,112.50 |
PLMB-410 | Plumber Level 1 | $778.75 |
PLMB-420 | Plumber Level 2 | $890.00 |
PLMB-420B | Plumber Level 2 + Gap | $1,001.25 |
PLMB-430 | Plumber Level 3 | $778.75 |
PLMB-440 | Plumber Level 4 | $890.00 |
PNUR-101 | Anatomy & Physiology | $290.68 |
PNUR-103 | Health Care in Canada | $178.56 |
PNUR-104 | Intercultural Learning in PN | $267.84 |
PNUR-105 | Experiential Learning Skills | $267.84 |
PNUR-106 | Critical Thinking for PN | $386.88 |
PNUR-114 | Professional Practice 1 | $196.82 |
PNUR-115 | Professional Communication 1 | $295.23 |
PNUR-116 | Variations in Health 1 | $344.44 |
PNUR-117 | Health Promotion 1 | $246.03 |
PNUR-118 | Integrated Nursing Practice 1 | $1,131.72 |
PNUR-119 | Pharmacology 1 | $246.03 |
PNUR-124 | Professional Practice 2 | $170.33 |
PNUR-125 | Professional Communication 2 | $283.88 |
PNUR-126 | Variations in Health 2 | $397.43 |
PNUR-127 | Health Promotion 2 | $283.88 |
PNUR-128 | Integrated Nursing Practice 2 | $1,476.15 |
PNUR-129 | Pharmacology 2 | $283.88 |
PNUR-134 | Professional Practice 3 | $166.54 |
PNUR-135 | Professional Communication 3 | $166.54 |
PNUR-136 | Variations in Health 3 | $374.72 |
PNUR-137 | Health Promotion 3 | $333.08 |
PNUR-138 | Integrated Nursing Practice 3 | $999.24 |
PNUR-144 | Professional Practice 4 | $196.82 |
PNUR-145 | Professional Communication 4 | $196.82 |
PNUR-146 | Variations in Health 4 | $442.85 |
PNUR-147 | Health Promotion 4 | $196.82 |
PNUR-148 | Integrated Nursing Practice 4 | $1,476.15 |
PNUR-181 | Consolidated Practice Exp 1 | $908.40 |
PNUR-182 | Consolidated Practice Exp 2 | $1,135.50 |
PNUR-183 | Consolidated Practice Exp 3 | $757.00 |
PNUR-184 | Consolidated Practice Exp 4 | $1,703.25 |
PNUR-185 | Transition to Preceptorship | $454.20 |
PNUR-186 | Preceptorship | $1,589.70 |
PRAC-180 | CMLA Clinical Practicum | $3,453.45 |
PRAC-290 | Core Sonography Competency | $4,763.52 |
PRAC-295 | GEN&OB Sonography Competency | $4,498.88 |
PRAC-296 | Cardiac Sonography Competency | $4,498.88 |
PRAC-299 | Vascular Sonography Competency | $4,498.88 |
PRCO-100 | Professional Cook - Level 1 | $3,115.00 |
PRCO-200 | Professional Cook - Level 2 | $1,557.50 |
PRCO-401 | Professional Cook Level 1 | $667.50 |
PRCO-402 | Professional Cook Level 2 | $667.50 |
PRCO-403 | Professional Cook Level 3 | $667.50 |
PSC-104 | Canadian Government | $318.60 |
PSC-105 | Introduction to Politics | $318.60 |
PSC-106 | Canadian Politics | $318.60 |
PSC-208 | Local Government and Politics | $384.30 |
PSC-210 | Political Ideas for Change | $318.60 |
PSC-212 | Law and Politics | $318.60 |
PSC-224 | International Conflict | $318.60 |
PSC-290 | Spec Topics/Political Science | $446.40 |
PSYC-110 | Experimental Psychology | $371.70 |
PSYC-120 | Personal Growth & Development | $318.60 |
PSYC-130 | Contemporary Issues | $318.60 |
PSYC-154 | Interpersonal Skills | $318.60 |
PSYC-160 | Sport & Exercise Psychology 1 | $318.60 |
PSYC-164 | Behavior Management | $318.60 |
PSYC-171 | Human Development: Lifespan | $446.40 |
PSYC-200 | Introduction to Personality | $318.60 |
PSYC-201 | Research Methods in Psychology | $371.70 |
PSYC-203 | Social Psychology | $318.60 |
PSYC-204 | Environmental Psychology | $597.60 |
PSYC-205 | Introduction to Groups | $318.60 |
PSYC-210 | History of Psychology | $318.60 |
PSYC-215 | Biological Psychology | $318.60 |
PSYC-228 | Health Psychology | $318.60 |
PSYC-245 | Drugs & Behaviour | $318.60 |
PSYC-250 | Psychopathology | $318.60 |
PSYC-252 | Criminal and Deviant Behaviour | $318.60 |
PSYC-256 | Introduction to Counselling | $318.60 |
PSYC-257 | Intercultural Communication | $318.60 |
PSYC-258 | Psychology and Gender | $318.60 |
PSYC-261 | Childhood Disorders: Analysis | $318.60 |
PSYC-274 | Child Development | $318.60 |
PSYC-275 | Music Psychology | $318.60 |
PSYC-276 | Positive Psychology | $318.60 |
PSYC-288 | Cultural Psychology | $318.60 |
PSYC-290 | Independent Studies | $318.60 |
Course Code | Name | Effective September 2024-25 |
REFG-130 | Refrigeration Trade Specialty | $1,112.50 |
REFG-410 | Refrig/Air Conditioning Mech 1 | $667.50 |
REFG-420 | Refrig/Air Conditioning Mech 2 | $778.75 |
REFG-430 | Refrig/Air Conditioning Mech 3 | $1,112.50 |
REFG-440 | Refrig/Air Conditioning Mech 4 | $1,112.50 |
REL-100 | World Religions of the West | $318.60 |
REL-102 | World Religions of the East | $318.60 |
Course Code | Name | Effective September 2024-25 |
SMFB-110 | Sheet Metal & Metal Fab | $3,480.00 |
SMTL-410 | Sheet Metal Worker Level 1 | $890.00 |
SMTL-420 | Sheet Metal Worker Level 2 | $890.00 |
SMTL-430 | Sheet Metal Worker Level 3 | $890.00 |
SMTL-440 | Sheet Metal Worker Level 4 | $890.00 |
SOC-100 | Introduction to Sociology | $318.60 |
SOC-101 | Perspectives Canadian Society | $318.60 |
SOC-106 | Indigenous People and Canada 2 | $318.60 |
SOC-110 | Women in Canadian Society | $318.60 |
SOC-112 | Minority Relations in Canada | $318.60 |
SOC-120 | The Environment and Society | $318.60 |
SOC-160 | Family and Community | $318.60 |
SOC-162 | Social Problems | $318.60 |
SOC-211 | Introduction to Africa | $318.60 |
SOC-230 | Indigenous Research Mthdlgy | $318.60 |
SOC-250 | Sociology of Deviance | $318.60 |
SOC-290 | Special Topics in Sociology | $597.60 |
SOCW-211 | Introduction to Social Work | $318.60 |
SOCW-212 | Social Welfare in Canada | $318.60 |
SOSC-203 | Service Learning/Global Issues | $318.60 |
SPAN-100 | Basic Spanish 1 | $512.40 |
SPAN-101 | Basic Spanish 2 | $512.40 |
SPAN-190 | Special Topics in Hispanic Culture | $518.85 |
SPAN-205 | Spanish Through Storytelling | $512.40 |
SPAN-206 | Conversación y Cine | $512.40 |
SPAN-240 | Composicion En Espanol | $512.40 |
SPEX-110 | Fitness for Life | $384.30 |
SPMA-100 | Leadership/Org Sport in Canada | $424.80 |
SPMA-102 | Internship | $690.84 |
SPMA-102P | Parallel Internship | $690.84 |
SPMA-155 | The Business of Sport | $384.30 |
SPMA-220 | Sport Technology | $424.80 |
SPMA-225 | Computer Applications in Sport | $318.60 |
SPMA-234 | The Sport Coaching Process | $512.40 |
SPMA-245 | Sport Facility Operations | $512.40 |
SPMA-250 | Partnership/Stakeholder Mgmt | $424.80 |
SPMA-260 | Sport Event Management | $424.80 |
SPMA-291 | Applied Sport Management | $460.56 |
SPMA-300 | Leadership in Sport & Fitness | $765.77 |
Activity Fee for SPMA 300 | $73.97 | |
SPMA-340 | Long-Term Dev. Sport & Phys. Activity | $384.30 |
SPMA-345 | Sport Developments and Trends | $384.30 |
SPMA-350 | Facilities Management | $691.80 |
SPMA-402 | Internship | $690.84 |
SPMA-402P | Parallel Internship | $690.84 |
SPMA-415 | Sport Analytics | $512.40 |
SPMA-420 | Sport and Fitness Law | $518.85 |
SPMA-425 | Sport Organizational Behaviour | $512.40 |
SPMA-440 | Program Development & Delivery | $518.85 |
SPMA-460 | Media and Public Relations | $691.80 |
SPMA-465 | Events & Major Games | $384.30 |
SPMA-485 | Sport Marketing & Project Mgmt | $576.45 |
SPMA-491 | Applied Sport Management | $460.56 |
SPRI-410 | Sprinkler Fitter Level 1 | $890.00 |
SPRI-420 | Sprinkler Fitter Level 2 | $890.00 |
SPRI-430 | Sprinkler Fitter Level 3 | $890.00 |
STAT-116 | Elementary Statistics | $426.60 |
STAT-123 | Introduction to Data Science | $477.90 |
STAT-216 | Applied Statistics | $426.60 |
STAT-218 | Probability and Statistics 1 | $426.60 |
STAT-219 | Probability and Statistics 2 | $426.60 |
STAT-254 | Probability & Stats for ENGR | $379.20 |
STMP-410 | Steamfitter/Pipefitter Level 1 | $778.75 |
STMP-420 | Steamfitter/Pipefitter Level 2 | $778.75 |
STMP-430 | Steamfitter/Pipefitter Level 3 | $890.00 |
STMP-440 | Steamfitter/Pipefitter Level 4 | $890.00 |
Course Code | Name | Effective September 2024-25 |
TACC-109 | Trades Access Common Core | $512.50 |
TEAC-105 | Explorations in Technology | $246.48 |
TECN-210 | Design Thinking | $897.00 |
TECN-290 | Technology Symposium | $345.90 |
TMGT-100 | Tourism Career Development | $518.85 |
TMGT-221 | Law & Risk Mgmt in Tourism | $691.80 |
TMGT-240 | The Global Tourism System | $379.20 |
TMGT-271 | Indigenous Tourism Perspective | $284.40 |
TMGT-361 | Sustaining Tourism Performance | $691.80 |
TMGT-370 | Tourism Value Chain Management | $691.80 |
TMGT-401 | Internship Work Experience | $537.33 |
TMGT-490 | Integrated Workplace Exper. | $537.33 |
TTM-410 | Truck Transport Mech Level 1 | $1,397.50 |
TTM-420 | Truck Transport Mech Level 2 | $1,118.00 |
TTM-430 | Truck Transport Mech Level 3 | $838.50 |
TTM-440 | Truck Transport Mech Level 4 | $698.75 |
TTT-401 | Transport Trailer Tech Level 1 | $1,397.50 |
TTT-402 | Transport Trailer Tech Level 2 | $698.75 |
Course Code | Name | Effective September 2024-25 |
VIST-110 | Storytelling Layout | $1,522.20 |
VIST-111 | Character Design | $1,522.20 |
VIST-122 | Structural Drawing 1 | $1,522.20 |
VIST-123 | Perspective Drawing | $1,522.20 |
VIST-125 | Structural Drawing 2 | $1,522.20 |
VIST-130 | Technique 1: Traditional Tools | $1,522.20 |
VIST-131 | Technique 2: Digital Tools | $1,522.20 |
VIST-151 | Comics Publishing & Promotion | $1,522.20 |
Course Code | Name | Effective September 2024-25 |
WELD-110 | Welder Foundation | $3,115.00 |
WELD-170 | Shielded Metal Arc 2-P7 | $1,780.00 |
WELD-171 | Gas Metal Arc 2-P8 | $0.00 |
WELD-172 | Flux Core Arc 2-P9 | $0.00 |
WELD-173 | Gas Tungsten Arc 1-P10 | $0.00 |
WELD-174 | Quality Control/Inspection-RK4 | $0.00 |
WELD-175 | Code Standards/Specs-RK5 | $0.00 |
WELD-177 | Blueprint Reading 2-RK6 | $0.00 |
WELD-178 | Welding Metallurgy 2-RK7 | $0.00 |
WELD-190 | Shielded Metal Arc 3-P11 | $222.50 |
WELD-191 | Gas Tungsten Arc 3-P12 | $222.50 |
WELD-192 | Welding Metallurgy 3-RK8 | $222.50 |
WELD-193 | Blueprint Reading 3-RK9 | $222.50 |
WELD-410 | Welder Level 1 | $890.00 |
WELD-420 | Welder Level 2 | $890.00 |
WELD-430 | Welder Level 3 | $1,223.75 |
WELD-MPAW | Multi-Process Alloy Welding | $698.75 |